The Fukuoka City Public Library has started a new service where you can reserve library material through the internet. With this service, library material can be reserved through the internet from your home 24 hours a day. In order to use our new electronic library material reservation system, you will need a Library Card and a Permanent Password. The Check Out & Return section of our English home page will give you information on how to apply for one. In order to apply for a Permanent Password, please follow the following instructions.

  • Please access “Library Search” , tThen proceed to “Log In”
  • Please click on “Apply for Password temporarily” at the very bottom of our Log In Attestation page.
  • Please “Agree” and “Accept” our User Agreement
  • Please complete the Password form and when you are finished, click on “Apply”
  • A temporary password will then be sent to the email address you provided.
  • Once you receive your temporary password, please repeat instruction No. 2 above by proceeding to “Log In”.
  • When you reach our Log Attestation page, please provide your Library Card No. and your temporary password to log into our system. Once you log into our system, you may then reserve library items.
  • You have succeeded in logging into our system if your button changes from “Log In” to “Log Out”.
  • After you log in, please proceed to “Your Status” and then “Change Password”.Please then follow instructions to change your password. Once you complete “Change Password” procedures, your new password becomes your permanent password. Please be informed that you must change your password into a permanent password in order to use other services of our reservation system such as checking up on items already checked out. We ask that you make sure to log out whenever you are finished using our system.


  • Arrival notices of reserved items as well as overdue notices if any will be sent to the email address you provided.
  • Using our system, you will be able to check up on the status of any reservations made on library material.
  • Using our system, you may extend the check out period of checked out library material but only once per checked out item, providing the material has not been reserved by anyone.
  • Reserved library material will be held for you to check out for a period of one week from the day such material becomes available for check out.
  • Please be informed that you will not be able to use our Internet Reservation System if you have any library material which are overdue.